View Profile rednikaiaG

245 Audio Reviews

168 w/ Responses

I got nothin' but goodness. . .

to pass over your way, SeththeTart (Odell)------>
ALL of your voices are good, Man. I'm particularly fond of the Harry Larry's Used Car Salesman. Chauncey's owner is pretty good too. Oh and there's just something about the balloon animal making Clown that's hilarious. Your redneck was kind of weak, (NOT the "city folk shuckin' corn" one but the Bigfoot one) but I'm just an elitist about Southern voices so, yeah. Heh heh heh Your wizard was fabulous as well. Hell, I might as well say I'm liking ALL of your voices. You know, the BEST part about this demo, (not that I have ANY experience whatsoever, so I'm honestly not trying to come off like I do) is the fact that you incorporated not only relevant material WITH them. But material that would have been entertaining by itself. Add in your wonderful voices and you've got a winner, Pal. All around, I'd say this is a GRADE A Demo, Man. Oh and as for the quality, I must be almost deaf because it didn't sound that bad at all to ME. I thought it was mixed well. But, like I said, who the freak am I? Ha!
If you ever need an UNknown, lowly NG noobie, goofy voiced female to help you out with something, feel free to P.M. me ANYtime, Man, seriously. Please.
Until that day may come. . .

............Take care, be good and pat yourself on the back, Odell.period

OdellAtkinson responds:

Thanky kindly. Funny, I thought my 'corn shucker' was weaker than my 'Bigfooter' voice. *shrug* But, that's only cause I think I can do that voice better than the other, but I didn't record it as strongly as I know I could have/can. But, thank you for your kind words. :) I've seen you on the forums before I recognize your avatar. And vice-versa for work. ;)

There is such a raw mechanical. . .

sound to most of your work, InvisibleObserver------>
At least from the work that I'VE heard so far. There's another word I'm looking for to help describe the nature of your sound. I can't seem to place it though. This piece isn't necessarily industrial. Ambient, yes, it can be considered or labeled as such but there's something more. Hmmm. *tries to check the thesaurus, although not being able to find the word in the first place makes even that difficult*
For some reason, I'm picturing a mechanical "creature", having some sort of a epiphany during the beginning of the song. You know, as if it is no longer wanting to be a machine. Towards 1:30 and afterwards, the sentient feelings disappear and only the machine is left, to perform, whatever function they were created for in the first place. The loop is perfect. It smoothly transitions back and forth betwixt the two feelings for me. I only wish I had the talent to animate, so I could show you , what it is, I'm seeing here.
There's a nice ambience, the mixture of the sounds all blend perfectly and there is a slow and thought provoking tempo. These are all things I would have to commend you on. Although you might have used a program which thousands of others have, your sound is quite unique (to ME anyway). Thanks for the notice of a new song and feel free to give me another anytime you like.

.............Take care, be good and celebrate mecha-life.period

InvisibleObserver responds:

It is nice being alive.

Thanks for taking your time to listen and review, and more importantly to me, thoroughly contemplate the piece.

I think most FL users are atrocious. You'll come to learn this. :P

Oh wow, I haven't heard THAT name....

in such a LONG time, InvisibleObserver------>
David Lynch, dayum. What an odd little cookie HE is. *thinks of "The Man From Another Place" and gets chills running up and down my spine*
I gotta tell ya, this is actually a pretty interesting industrial (sorry, but that's the only descriptive genre I could come up with, it's weak though, I know) mash up. I don't think I've ever even heard anyone MENTION Ole Meestah Lynch, let alone, include sound clips from his work.
As for your PC not being able to handle it, I know what you mean, Man. I have a few tracks (on my old PC, mind you) on Cakewalk that have now saved as crispy, crunching clips, skipping and choppy. I guess when you layer 8 or more tracks withOUT bouncing to clips or rendering of any kind, your processor gets a bit overwhelmed.
Anyhoo, to get back to YOUR song: The more I listen to it, (It's been looping this entire typing length) I come to favor the Warcraft3 samples. The Eraserhead female's voice adds a strange misplaced melody as well. All in all, it's a pretty harsh sound. Good, if that's what you were aiming for. "You have nothing I need, Bitch", nice. Hehe I'd like to hear some of the other entries too, now. I mean, this is coming from someone who used to listen to Industrial music though. I COULD see how one wouldn't care for it.
Great Job on your work, InvisibleObserver. PM me with your other new submissions, if you would. I faved you for a reason, you know! :)

..........Take care, be good and make my skin crawl.period

InvisibleObserver responds:

Females voice made for a nice contrast to the Warcraft 3 samples, but the quality of the Warcraft 3 voices is superb, so when mixed and EQ'd they come out really smooth and dandy sounding (then of course I completely rearrange and modulate them).

I too can see why people wouldn't care for this. First 10 seconds probably screens out alot of potential listeners.

Thanks for taking the time to review.

The King of 8-Bit. . . .

Strikes yet again, huh, Duh-Roo------?
Thanks for that. *sarcastically glares at you* You know I'm gonna be hummin' this shit for days right? I mean, it's certainly better than that OTHER song you normally torture me with though. *gets THAT song stuck in my head as well, but it's not as predominant because your Daisy song is presently looped, in the background*

Didn't you say this song was the first one ever programmed and performed solely by a computer or something? What was the deal with that again? Explain to poor, confused soul, would you? Thanks for the link. You should do that every time. You rock, as always, Man. Miss ya much!

.........Take care, be good and ride tandem, I mean bicycles.period

DrewtheMew responds:

Yeah, back in 1962, an IBM computer was built with software that enabled voice replication, and of all the songs the creator chose "Daisy Bell" to be sung by it...
And as for the tandom bit, see my comment to Stag below... =3

Another amazing piece from you...

That's my Girl, Miss Jessismith------>
You are such a wonderful Lady to have here on Newgrounds. Your talent astonishes me. Honestly. How many different songs did this include of yours, if I may ask? I heard some familiar parts in there. I only got two of the songs you used though. (I'm not the brightest bulb on the string though, so I could have missed WAY more than that, I admit.)
I heard that Danny Elfman flare towrds the middle of the piece. You know, that simple little slight ringing, with gentle tones and a soft sense of innocence there. ( PLEASE, excuse my lack of formal, even layman's musical terms. I'm at a vocabulary loss when it comes to description in music, other than my visualizations. ) @ 1:58 or so= It reminds me of the Ice Dance, by Danny Boy. There is also that pounding drum sequence from another song, too. How nicely they pieced together. Good Work, Jessismith. Please don't ever stop making us all, smile.
I hope all is well with you, LadyBug. Haven't heard from you in awhile and as for Skype, I haven't been on in a LONG time, sadly enough.
You are truly a brilliant Woman, with the whole musical world before you. Remember that.

............Take care, be good and splice.period

Jessismith responds:

Thank you Gaia. Your words never cease to amaze me....always :) You have a god ear, since I only use those two songs. I combined my old unfinished song with this newer one since I knew that I would never complete both of them....since that's usually the case. xD Well, I disagree. You're extremely bright. :) It comes out in all your work. You're definitely right.
Indeed....the whole entire second part following is all that old song. I really felt like I need to add on to that Danny Elfman type song. Hmm...it is sort similar to that one. That was a beautiful scene. The song stirs so many memories. Nah....I'm the same way. I always try to visualize when I listen to music also. :) Thank you so much Gaia. I always look forward to reading your reviews, and I really need to stop being lazy and listen toyou newest stuff. I'm really sorry for not doing that yet. Take care, and thanks again. :)

A demo, huh?

A demo for what, Wyld------?
Just curious, Man. This was really pretty. I think you usually develop things a little better though. You know, there's normally a visual behind your creations just waiting to pop out at me. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to come off as some know it all, twat, Wyld. Hell, we ALL know that's NOT the case. Especially seeing as how HALF the time I can't even figure out the most simple tasks by myself. So, know it all, No Way. ( I mean, you see all the music pieces I have submitted, right? NONE.) There was a certain beauty in its simplicity but I know you have more in you.
Again, it might have to do with what this demo was for. The track was very pleasant and easy going. Definitely a smooth ambient piece. If that's what you were going for then you got it. Maybe this was for a short menu screen or for your own damned amusement. Nothin' wrong with that, right?
I feel like a Bitch, now but I'm going to leave the words I typed. I love you Wyld AND your immense musical abilites. Send me another PM with ANY and EVERY new sub you put up (or old ones as well, if you want, too). I am happy as a little school girl everytime I get one from you. Until I tastefully bash you next...

.........Take care, be good and forgive me, please, Wyld.*begs*

wyldfyre1 responds:

haha i put music on here to be critiqued =) You did what i wanted. hah this being a DEMO for a song that we're working on =). Meaning its not finished. Also, you don't have to know music theory to know what sounds good to you =) Thanks for the review girly girl! Your always welcome here!

I know who the fuck he is. . .

He is an old man who lives with some Pokemon dude.
Get in the Zone, Bitches! Ahhh- Toe- Zone!
Stag, Stag, Stag, you brought a lovely smile to my face again.
I can only pray that you will give me a cup of your blood for MY Birthd, wait, I mean I hope I am lucky enough to get something like this from you for me on MY Day 'o' Birth! You been crankin' 'em on out these days. Go for it and get it while you can because we're all dying with a quickness.
Love, your Old Bean,
<3Gaia the Ancient Legume<3

Stalagmite responds:

when is your birthday then? maybe i will just do a little something for christmas then :D

But I'm Lactose Intolerant. . . .

So, where does that leave ME Stag-a-rino------?
I mean, don't get me wrong,
*the next excerpt is to be sung just like the melody
of your newest FABulous a capella*
I like Tofutti Cheese Like Product, I really like my Tofutti Cheese Like Product, I like my Tofutti Cheese Like Product, I really like my Tofutti Cheese Like Product, I like Tofutti Cheese Like Product, I really like my Tofutti Cheese Like Product, I like my Tofutti Cheese Like Product, I really like my Tofutti Cheese Like Product, I really, really, really, really, really like my Tofutti Cheese Like Product,
but the real thing, mind you, gets me all gassy.
You ARE cheese, Silly Beaver!
Is there anything MORE I can say without offering to be the surrogate for your first E-Baby? Oh yeah, wait, that's right. You and Drew are due soon, huh? Dayumit, man! WIll I EVER have you all to myself?
Stalking you, uh huh huh I mean Loving you, forever and always,
(written in my own feces and blood)
<3 Gaia <3

Wait a minute. . .

Did you say the Legend of NG Gaia?!?!?!----Duh-Roo?
Ha ha ha ha! No really, I'm not familiar with the game nor its soundtrack but there is nothing better I love than 8-Bit versions of things. You Sir, have a great talent at re-making things in their most epic 8-Bit formats. I guess I would have to thank your parents for giving you an NES when you were little for that talent then? Either way, I hope there is never a day when you're NOT making tunes, be it 8-Bit or normal?
What IS the term for songs composed not in electronic mode? I feel like an idiot.

Oh yeah, I know you want to slap me for abandoning Skype too, huh? I can almost taste it, Drew. Go ahead and e-slap me. I KNOW you want to, but keep composing video game music no matter WHAT you do, PLEASE.

Let me know when you and Stag are due too. Which one of you are carrying your e-child. I was always curious about that. Am I still invited to the E-Baby shower, even though I tried to wreck your relationship?
I hope so. I've made a beautiful mobile to hang above the baby's head with hidden camer...uh, nevermind.

............Take care, be good and procreate.period

DrewtheMew responds:

Yeah its a pretty epic game though it came out more than a decade ago... wow and i still play it... Songi's theme kicked major ass! Oh, and heres a link to the original, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuGBtq 1dXmg&feature=related, for comparison. Stupid thing. Copy paste sept for the space between the 1 and q.

WTF?!?!?! DO I KNOW this Dude?

I don't know WHY, Sapphire2611------>
but this guy's voice sounds familiar. I think there was a court case going on, somehwere not TOO long ago with a guy who sounded precisely like THIS. He was also, ranting on about how nobody listened to him and blah-zay, blah-zay, blah, I don't know. I stopped listening to him. He just kept going on and on and on and on. Heh heh heh Sound familiar to you too? Yeah, yeah. I bet you're high-freakin'-larious to hang out with.
I wish you well here on Newgrounds and anywhere else you might be pursuing VA'ing. If you ever need a same sex, nutcase to accompany you on a project or what have you, I'm SO there.
I mean, you have Rina Fuckin' Chan, so IDK why the fuck you'd need me though.
Whatever. hope to work with you someday, Sapphire2611! Until then. . .

..........Take care, be good and animate, angrily.period



Stalking YOU!

RecessionPrepAcad emy

SoCong Blackhole

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