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XD Nice voice acting.

Stop saying the word period or I'll rip my own ovaries out and make you realise why. >: (

I realize NOW, how it much bothers you, Fierra-Trance------>
That I put "period" at the end of ALMOST every closing statement. I apologize for my obnoxious behaviour. It's just a thing though. You know? SOME people have to check for their keys or wallet, like 42 times before they leave the house. Some people have to wash their hands after they touch ANYthing, inCLUDing themselves. There are even SOME who refuse to eat things that weren't made by them or walk on cracks in the concrete, still. Some talented female trance musicians use text based faces to express their irritated feelings towards OTHER'S typing habits. *winks at you* We all have our things, ya know? I know the whole period thing is the LEAST of my issues. I AM sorry it bugs you though. Is there anything I could do to make it up to ya? I already stopped by and reviewed YOUR work? Good stuff BTW, Fierra-Trance. I like it ALOT. I hope not only to hear some more music from you, but just to simply hear from you again. Until then. . .

..............Take care, be good and PUH-LEASE DON'T "rip your own ovaries out and make me realise why". I have them too, Fierra, EVERYday.p-e-r-i-o-d

*winks at you sarcastically PRAYING you won't think I'm being a sm@rt @ss betch but simply having fun with ya*

LOL oh i have a folder already full of hentai =). I just thought i'd come in and give you a hard time.


Well then I guess it wouldn't be the same if it weren't for pee pole like you givin' me sheit! It's ALWAYS appreciated! I guess it's about time I change this damn post too now, huh?
*purposely disregards the period and closing statement*

one sentence...

. . .two paragraphs. . .

You can change the news post only if you have another great hentai pic.. I have spoken!! LOL


Yes, yes, yes, Wyld------>
I know you would love to see yet ANOTHER one up on the next post. I get it. You silly freak you. Hey I listened to all four NUGV-Audio subs up on you guys' page. I gotta say, that's some funneh stuff. Random, sick, twisted and perverted as well, but funny as hell. Not that pee pole burning for all of Eternity is humorous, but, you know what I mean. Oh and hey, when the feck are you guys gonna post some MORE? I should just actually join your website, huh? Maybe I could just beat the vent password outta you. That sounds like fun. I went and checked it out today. You know, just perusing your page. Anyhoo, I'll hear from you soon, I'm sure. It's always a trip. Can't wait. Until then. . .

..........Take care, be good and bring out the whips and chains.period

I DONT LIKE HENTAI. i like tight asian ass!!!! lol. not really. i like mules. LOL!

*to be said like a stereotypical, over the top sort of Asian accent, that by chance, Stag does PERFECTLY*
O- ok, i no, yew no rikey roose asian asses?
wuts rong wiff dem, huh?
yew jist a sick, sick man who won feck donkeyholez.
i no yew sick man, dats wy you tawlk wiff such clazy lady.
nastee minds tink alike. hahr-knee loozers
you wird and no donkey won feck you beck ok.
get mind owt uv guttah and go mayk toonz.

.....yew tayk cair, bee gud now and "HEE-HAW".period

The guy who makes the School 13 flashes is Russian and he is awesome...I am Russian too, so do the math.

That's pretty much it, you go girl!

Aww, thanx Sairex------>
You're too sweet! I checked out his latest submission yesternight and it was awesome. The thing I liked best about it was the fact that he has an obvious sense of humor but he ALSO has an excellent message to share as well! It was pretty unique in its style. Not that I'm a pro on flash or anything, just from what I'VE seen here and there.
Hey, this is pretty random, but do you know MrSaint here on Newgrounds? He TOO is an amazingly fun Russian fella. (You can find him on my audio favorites list.) The two of you might get along smashingly. You never know! Check out his stuff if you get the chance, Sairex and thanx AGAIN for stopping by to say hello. Hope to hear something again from you soon. Until then, Mario. . .

..........Take care, be good and save Princess Peach.period

I.. love you?


Welnu, secondstamp------>
Ik.. hou ook van jou?
Als je ooit behoefte aan een stem, Ik ben hier.
Dank u voor uw liefde.
Kom terug en geef het aan mij altijd.
Tot dan ...
Take care, worden goed en gebruik Google Translate.periode

I might check him out, though I usually establish better relationships with Brits, Americans and other English speaking countrymen than Russians.

So...did you get any requests to voice actor...from flash artists I mean.

Oh you should check him out, Sairex------>
If not for projects than just to be silly. He's a really fun guy. *thinks of the sandwich and pie song and grins, goofily* I wonder why you have better relationships with all the others and NOT Russians. Hmm? That's so neat you stop by to say hey and check up on me! You're very sweet, Sairex. I have gotten a request or two for flash. Just for my voice, mind you! Heh heh heh I'm just waiting on the script or the animations to be done. I'm excited about just FINALLY having the ovaries to put SOMEthing up here. How are things going for you, Sir? I hope everything's all good for ya. Let me know if you do anything else and send me a link so I can go listen, vote and review. Please! Until next time...

............Take care, be good and bond with Russians.period

1. I am extremely happy for you, can't wait to hear your voice in action.

2. I have very good relationships with Russians in real life, but over the internet, you crazy Englos (made up word) seem more interesting...nevertheless, Russians rule.

3. I'm not in a working environment so I haven't even been looking for any work, I'll be back by the end of Aughust and then I'll see what life throws at me.

Dearest Sairex------>
1) Thank you for your support and I'm happy for YOU as well!

2) I have good relationships with ANYone who can stand my overtly distracted nature and inability to control my emotional outbursts.

3) I'm not in a working enviroment either (hint, hint, hint to any of you animators who need voices) although I SHOULD be looking for work and I can't wait until you get back and *points behind you and yells* "Watch Out!"- life was throwing something at you.

..........Take care, be good and I keep looking out for you on MSN, dude.period

WOW i just read that link and...i am just shocked and awed. i mean my friend is always telling me her conspiracy theories and saying we will eventually be in a half-life city 17 big brother world and you know what this just makes me believe her a little more.

wow i have been reading some of the other comments and your responses and i have to say tat you are an incredibly admirable person and i just can't find that trait enough so thank you for being awesome ;).

p.s. long live hentai and awesomeness

p.s.p.s if anyone wants to play half life or something and has a steam account or an xbox drop me a line

p.s.p.s.p.s. the "period" thing doesent bother me :)

Wow, a man who even comes back to correct a typo on his prior comment, headcrabman------>
Well I have to say THAT is admirable! Your friend sounds like a smart chick too! I'd like to chat with her sometime and we could trade off conspiracy theories. Don't even get me started on the government and it's impenetrable wanna be omniscient forces at hand. *sighs hopelessly*

Thanks for reading all the crap that spews outta my head and you have NO clue how happy I am to hear, you think I'm an admirable person! That's truly appreciated! You're free to stop by ANYtime and chat with me or what not. Feel free to leave any comments yourself or even send me a P.M. and let me know what's on your mind. Friendly people are ALWAYS welcome, 'round these here parts. Heh heh heh

p.s. AGREED, long live hentai and ITS awesomness!

p.s.p.s. I'd love nothing more than to play games with you online,
alas, I am a PS3 gal, myself.

p.s.p.s.p.s. Glad to hear my habits DON'T bother you!
It's just a thing, what can I say? Thanks again! You're a sweetheart, headcrabman! Come on back anytime to vent, Man. Until then. . .

..............Take care, be good and share with others.period

oops i meant

hentai and *its* awesomeness

p.s. (wow i do this alot XD) FURRIES FTW

*pats you on the back for your persistence in editing skills* headcrabman------>
Oh, don't worry about it. Corrections are always welcome.

p.s. (it's alright, I do obsessive things too, Pal) FURRIES are ah-ite.
I kind of like the whole school girl thing myself, LEGAL AGED ones, mind you.
Tentacles and all that jazz are. . . *lightly shrugs* meh.
HUMAN girls, generally are my thing. Know what I mean?
I guess to each their own though.

It's kinda awkward to say you look at hentai, but after reading your "preachings" as someone said, well i feel a lil bit better about that. Nothin wrong with it... sorta. Besides some hentai manga things have funny stories to it.

I'm glad to hear you have (sort of) made a turn for the better when it comes to your opinion of hentai fans, LOLitsFluffy------>
You know, not ALL hentai IS nasty beastiality laden, tentacle raping underage girls in school uniforms. I mean, don't get me wrong, there's a shitload of that kind of stuff out there but, you catch my drift, right?
Yeah there ARE some story lines that are pretty entertaining. I remember one of the first anime/hentai things I saw called "Wicked City". *laughs out loud at the thought of a vaginal animal character* You should check it out. I think that MIGHT just be where they got the idea to do "Teeth", just recently. I don't know, maybe not.
Whatever, thanx again for stoppin' by, LOLitsFluffy! Hope to hear from you again sometime. Until then. . .

...........Take care, be good and beware what you boink.period

fluffy...its not weird for me....but then again i never had a problem with what people think of me, that is different with everyone.but for me i have no problem admitting i like hentai or furries.

and theres no problem with liking something most people think is weird or they dont like. that just makes you unique and there is nothing wrong with that...after-all people don't like what they don't and or can't understand.

You're back, headcrabman------!
Cool deal, Man! What's up with you? Defending your likes, I see. Heh heh heh
It's good to know there ARE people out there who don't give 2 shits about what OTHERS think of them. That's a kind of strength I wish MORE people had. Ain't no shame in standing up for what you like!
Yeah, you're absolutely right, Dude. People DON'T like what they don't or can't understand. Ahhh, but ignorance is bliss, I guess. It must be nice for those people, living in bliss like that. I can see you and I are gonna be typing back and forth a good deal. *waits for your next response*

.........Take care, be good and exist in bliss.period

I, personally have no problems with hentai. In fact i love it. Great for the imagination and wonderful art also. Furry's i'm a lil different with but i don't have anything agenst those who like it =). Soo all is good in love, war, and music haha. Btw, I demand more hentai! LOL


Wyld, Wyld, Wyld------>
Yes Dear, we all know you have no problems with it. Ok, well at least I know you're a tolerant and adventurous man who appreciates the finer things. Particularly those things which are full of animated scenarios and fantastical wonder.
Yeah, I'll get on picking out a new pic. This one IS getting pretty tired, huh?
*wonders off to search for another piccy to post* See ya next time, Wyld. . .

......Take care, be good and practice tolerance.period


*nods in agreement with you*

So yeah....let's sex. I'll shoot my load up your nose.

*looks at you strangely and then grabs for the moist towelettes*

^ lets grammar get... But anyway, love ur link to ur website that u dont have, lol. Hope ur comp didnt bite it!

Hey there Drewy-Poo------>
Ah, so you visited omgyouseriouslydidntthinkihadaweb sitedidyou.com.
You know, we can grammar anytime you like, too, Drew.
That's just the way I roll, Man. Heh heh heh
*has a passing thought that I type in "Heh heh heh" entirely too much*
I'm Skyping with you RIGHT now, so. . . I'll go and chat.
*minimizes my Newgrounds page and talks nonsense with ye*

Hrrrrmmmm... usually in the case of politics i see that if he law is in any way unconstitutional it really shouldn't be passed... but this is the BUSH administration we're talking about here. any unnecessary politics are possible with him. but in my opinion i would find it awkward to have child pornography in any anime i read which if i liked the series enough i would read them from a library or some thing and just skip over it. Hentai: is it art or porn? that's the question they're asking. but article aside after reading other comments i realized you're a girl. didn't know that cause iwas listening to the audio portal and almost all the voices were manly. but back to the aricle: it's not right to banish freedom rights that our country was based on and if someone doesn't like to see hentai in their reading material then skip over it and avoid it, you don'y need to read. woo hentai wins!

Man, TehNameWasTaken------>
You're just all over the place here in Gaia Land of Newgrounds. Thanx for making yourself so comfortable and jumping right in with all your comments and such.
I'm no fan of child pornograhy either, TehNameWasTaken. You walk a fine line though, when one is TRYING to decipher what IS and what ISN'T an underage girl. ESPECIALLY when the person's age at hand is a cartoon drawing or an animated character. My main point was, there are countless magazines, on racks at gas stations and "toy shops" alike PORTRAYING underage chicks. Yeah, they're OF AGE truthfully but they are being advertised as under the age of 18. Ya know? Now, there's NO mention of wanting to ban or prohibit the sales of THOSE types of representations of young girls. So, WHY would cartoons be singled out and attacked by the Federal Government? PLUS, the mere fact that access to your computer and ALL the contents within would be subjected to criminal prosecution is a scary thought on it's own. *coughs and lightly says "Big Brother" under my breath* I mean, I'm not some sort of anarchistic revolutionalist who has pipe bomb schematics, chemical warfare ingredients and terrorist attack scenarios on their PC. If I WAS, I wouldn't be stupid enough to PUT it on my computer anyway. That's beside the point though.

The same sort of infiltrative informational gathering technique is used on the Cars.gov program as well. At least that's what I've heard (you know, through the conspiracy grapevine, ). As soon as you enter in your contact and vehicle pin # and other info, then hit the submit button, there is a small disclaimer in fine print, as always, that pops up. It's stated there, that ALL information on the computer you are currently using, is property of the Federal Government at that very point. *lets out a hopelessly irritated sigh* That kind of shit has been going on ever since the Homeland Security Act was voted into action. Scary, scary stuff, but *shrugs submissively* what can you do, right?
Anyhoo, in my closing statement, I would simply like to say, that porn is NOT created equally. Yeah, that's it, I guess.
Oh, and yeah TehNameWasTaken, I KNOW I have a naturally deep voice. MOST of the voices on BOTH subs are teeneage boy or men's voices. I've been saying for awhile now that I should submit something that demonstrates my more feminine ones as well. Maybe I'll get busy on that just as soon as my Mum's Kraut sister is gone. Who knows. Either way, thanx again for stopping by and leaving us all, a piece of your mind. Cool deal, Man. Until next time. . .

..........Take care, be good and weary of "legal-aged" girls (drawn OR live).period

Your second reel got front page :D

OMFG you are a goddess!

*laughs hysterically out loud at your post, Sairex*------>
Naw, I don't know about all THAT now. Hardly!
I don't even have enough jobs under my belt to be called something like that, really. I think I just got lucky, that's all. Crazier things have happened. "I mean, a fly, marrying a bumblebee. . . now THAT'S crazy!". *remembers old episodes of Ren and Stimpy and smiles widely* I DO feel lucky as hell and I have to admit, my head grew about 2 inches in diameter from it. Ha! Now, if only the VA jobs would come rolling in. I guess it's time to do a little more seeking out of projects on my own, then. Audio Forums, here I come! You're a sweet guy, Sairex. Best wishes to you and your butter voice! Until you send me a link to your next job...

...........Take care, be good and stay sweet, like honey and jam.period

YAY DARK CITY.....i love that hentai...my all time favorite (also the one that got me into hentai) would have to be bible black cause i have a thing for school girls too ;)

p.s damm everyone interesting i meet is never on xbox or steam....always ps3 (THE ONE THING I DON"T HAVE XD)

Ah. . . Dark City. . . headcrabman------>
You and I are one in the same. Maybe when it comes to sci-fi, mind controlled, extra terrestrial experimentalist inhabitants and time warping movies, that is. Back when I was a kid, we had these things called video home system cassettes that played in this futuristic contraption called a VCR. I used to own that very movie on VHS. So, yeah, it IS an excellent movie as well as Wicked City! Yay for kick @ss 80's movies (what few ones there ARE anyway).
As for the whole only using a PS3. . . I am a die hard Sony Loyalist. Not that that company has never fucked me over or disappointed me beyond all gaming belief, but I don't know what it is. I mean, when CoD Modern Warfare, recently had that fecking God Mode glitch, I almost spooned my own eyes out from mere frustration. It took them DAYS to fix that minor issue, as they coined it. I just sat calmly and watched my ratio go to shit. There's just something about those guys. I was raised on them, you know? PLUS, I'm poor white trash, so I can only afford limited means of gaming and such. I know ALOT of people have PLENTY of consoles just lying around collecting dust. That's NOT the case here. XBOX and steam junkies aren't hard to find around here though. Keep poking around and asking cool people and you're BOUND to meet a few in a day, I bet. *glances over at my PS3 and feels a sense of pride that it's still functioning*

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