Well, thewax70. . . . . . .I have been familiar with NEWGROUNDS for very little time (compared to older, more seasoned members*winks*). Yet even I, felt the nostalgic rush shivering up to my mind -
- which was filled with a sense of happiness, seeing so many of my new found flash favorites -
-down to my toes, which were curled under themselves, due to the anticipation to see what character would pop up next. *reaches over to pat you on the back, almost proud of humanity at this very moment in time*
. . . . . . If I had 12 thumbs, I would stick them ALL up towards the skies in positive ratings for your compilation, thewax70! *bows down, humbly in salute to your work* Yes SIr, "I LOVED IT"!
. . . . . . . . . . . . Take care, Be good and CREATE.period (Again...nicely done.)
------Hey "royalsaint117"-->
. . . Your simplicity sums it all up, man. "Epic".
*smirks at the word and its familiarity from one of my favorite past time RP games*
Oh yeah, by the way, if I had to take a sheit at YOUR house and you had glued tacks to your toilet seat....I would commence to a serious ass beating! Ha ha ha ha. Really though, I would. That's an offense of the highest degree in MY books. Fo reelz doh!
Thanx again for givin' me a shout and hope to hear from you again.. . . Until next time...
Take care, be good and DO NOT glue tacks to your toilet seats.period