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Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 @ approximately 1:45 a.m.
STILL standing in line at my local Gamestop.
And all I want to do, is make Captain MacTavish, proud.
. . . . . . . There. Is that any better?
Sorry about SUCH a L--O--N--G wait for a new post (especially YOU, Stag). I know, I know, you were yawning at my old one. Drew, I know you thought it was a clusterf*ck, and it WAS. I apologize to you for that tacky habit. I'll try to work on it, Ok? I really mean it this time. *awaits the intervention ceremony* I miss the whole gang getting together via Le PC. You know, everybody, all 3 of us.
Yeah, so, that's it. That's my epic new post message. No suggestive visuals.
Just me, CoD6 Modern Warfare 2 and some meaningless random, passing thoughts. Hope I haven't disrupted anyone's realities with the bombshell of epiphanies it contains. Ha!
Yeah right, like my mind can even focus on something long enough to form thoughts containing relevance. What am I thinking? Will anyone even read this shit? I'm curious now. You know, since one of the last responses, I got on the prior *watches Stag, yawn productively* post, I've wondered about it. Maybe people really DID only reply because it was of a more perverse nature than some. Nah, that can't be. Well, I mean sure, SOME people left some messages and I never heard from then again but, for the most part, I knew all of ya. Whatever, no matter. No, no, no, I do wanna say one last thing about it and then I think I can move on to a valid point about absolutely nothing. I want to say that the most probable reason that last post had SO many replies, was simply because it was just 8 days shy of 5 freakin' months.
There. Ok. NOW, I'm done with it. Dropped. Finished, seriously.
So, until you next beg of me, to change my f*ckin' post. . .
.............Take care, be good and PRESTIGE.period
That game is art. FIRST COMMENT! Hi Gaia.
If ever, there were a game, worthy to have "epic", as an adjective, it is THIS one.
FIRST REPLY! Hi to you too, PonzoBot4000.
.............Take care, be good and dedicate servers.period