*thinks of Toki-Doki and smiles widely*
Aww Man, yellowbouncyball---------->
This is such a cute piece! I mean, your normal mouse doodles are cute as all get out too, but there's just SOMEthing about this kind of line art that I RUV!!!
There's nothing I love more, than something representative of wicked evil, (such as a skull) in a overexaggerated style (or straight-line vector, as you called it)! I went by your userpage, in the hopes of seeing what all you're about, when I ran across that Sack Boy Give-Away.
After lookin' through ADD, I can confidently say, that I have fallen in love, Sir.
PUH-LEASE, don't EVER stop creating. Your art has such a unique style to it. My personal favorites, are your two zombie pics though. Especially the one where the two zombies are fighting it out. One's duel wielding swords and the other has a lead pipe to defend himself with.
CUH-LASSIC STUFF! You're awesome, Man. Whatever.
Enough arse kissing, for now. *wipes the brown from my nose*
Thanks for giving me a brand new name to list under my favorite artists.
Oh, and if you DO ever get around to making any animations (like some of the suggestions, left on your give away page comments), I hope you know, you'll have a goofy chick, ready to give her voice up for a good cause. Ha! Gaia the mentally deficient, overtly anal cleaning lady by day and voice actress by night, at your service, Sire. *bows down before you* Until next time, YBB. . .
.....................Take care, be good and keep skulls.period