View Profile rednikaiaG

13 Art Reviews w/ Response

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I don't know what's more fabulous. . .

this Hue Manatee ya did, OR the Rainbow Wilford Brimley coomment, Bobert-Rob!
Great job on such a wonderful piece (on more levels than one, mind you).
Nice blending, amazing colors and an even better story it's birth.
Not only all that, B--U--T, I got to laugh my butt off at your response to Ipfann2's review, as well, Man! Thanks for the smile.
.................Take care, be good and watch your blood sugar.period

Bobert-Rob responds:

Hah, well I'm glad this has brought you joy on more than one level! I do my best. Thanks!

*thinks of Toki-Doki and smiles widely*

Aww Man, yellowbouncyball---------->
This is such a cute piece! I mean, your normal mouse doodles are cute as all get out too, but there's just SOMEthing about this kind of line art that I RUV!!!
There's nothing I love more, than something representative of wicked evil, (such as a skull) in a overexaggerated style (or straight-line vector, as you called it)! I went by your userpage, in the hopes of seeing what all you're about, when I ran across that Sack Boy Give-Away.
After lookin' through ADD, I can confidently say, that I have fallen in love, Sir.
PUH-LEASE, don't EVER stop creating. Your art has such a unique style to it. My personal favorites, are your two zombie pics though. Especially the one where the two zombies are fighting it out. One's duel wielding swords and the other has a lead pipe to defend himself with.
CUH-LASSIC STUFF! You're awesome, Man. Whatever.
Enough arse kissing, for now. *wipes the brown from my nose*
Thanks for giving me a brand new name to list under my favorite artists.
Oh, and if you DO ever get around to making any animations (like some of the suggestions, left on your give away page comments), I hope you know, you'll have a goofy chick, ready to give her voice up for a good cause. Ha! Gaia the mentally deficient, overtly anal cleaning lady by day and voice actress by night, at your service, Sire. *bows down before you* Until next time, YBB. . .

.....................Take care, be good and keep skulls.period

yellowbouncyball responds:


haha I have never gotten a response like that before on Newgrounds-

I appreciate all of the compliments and I am thrilled that you enjoy my artwork. Thanks much! I also take doodle requests if you have something in mind. And if I ever need chick-voice work done I will for sure contact you. Thanks!

*glances up at the picture again*

The thing I like about this one, is the fact that everything is so bold and stark in nature. The picture has an overall dark feel to it but the gleam of the metal your character's wearing is so bright. The bold lines of the buildings and windows make for a solid background as well. Your gradient coloring is neat too.

..............Take care, be good and listen to more Danny Elfman.period

Darje responds:

Thanks! I spent a long time on the shading of the character, especially the metal covering their suit (gradient meshes are awesome!).

*thinks of old SNL and giggles*

*Knock, knock, knock*
Who's there?
Uh... Pizza Delivery?
But I didn't order a pizza.
Sorry, I couldn't resist after reading the other review below me.

Now, this is a really cool one because of the comic book feel you said you tried to achieve. I love looking at this and thinking that one side is the front and the other is the back. Neat idea and yeah, I'd agree with you.
I think you achieved what you were going for as well.
I hope to see some more work of yours in the art portal soon.
I recommended you a WHILE back.
I'm not sure what else, one has to do to get you scouted there.

.............Take care, be good and beware the LANDSHARK.period

Darje responds:

Hey, thanks for all of your support, it makes me glad I decided to put this stuff up. I'll definitely try to get more stuff up.

*agrees with username below too*

It's very colorful, full of life and texture as well.
I know I certainly like this piece.
I hope your girlfriend likes it too.
Are those daffodils? I wonder, is she a musician?
And are those her lips or yours?
I love the psychedelic squigglies around the bottom flower's stem
and the upper edge of the black blotches over the eyes too.

.............Take care, be good and create more.period

Darje responds:

Sadly I didn't have a camera at my disposal to take those pictures, the ear, lips, and flowers are all stock and heavily modified. The squiggles took me a looooong time to make, glad you like them! The flowers are called Amandallas, and she is a singer in a choir.

Holy Smoked Podlings. . . . SkeksiMan. . .

Ok, ok, ok, let me start off with, Hell, I thought I was impressed with the LAST creation I just saw of yours (whiphid head mask, which BTW, was that inspired by the urRru at all?). NOW, I am really in love with you, Dude! I mean, The Dark Crystal (and it's many, various theories, as to what it was REALLY about) is one of my favorite movies. I watched it, and Labyrinth consecutive times, sitting there in front of the VCR when I was a little girl. My Mum got a bit worried about it. She just thought it was unnatural, for a child, so small, to obsess over something that way.
Anyhoo. . . just wanted to let you know that I'm in shock, as to JUST how wonderful of an artist (in MULTIPLE formats, mind you) you are. Why did you make this and NEVER use it? Was it for something specific or just for the love? *thinks of Aughra, squatting down and saying "Don't know. . . don't know" and laughs* Well, once again, thanks for being such a talented guy and sharing your passions with everyone as well. It's much appreciated. Especially from this chick! Until I see yet another brilliant creation of yours. . .

..........Take care, be good and "Trial By Stone".period
Uh-huh-huh, I mean, Gaia.

sucho responds:

the whiphid was actually taken from a screencap of an alien extra in jabba's palace from starwars, i just really liked the shape of it, and i wanted a costume that wouldn't be ruined by my....body type....

i'll always love dark crystal, i wont bother trying to sum it up in words to the justice it deserves, its just fantastic.

I don't know what to say. . .

other than, this is simply AMAZING work, sucho------! ! ! !
I mean that.
Not that you give 2 sh*ts about what I may think, but really, I'm in awe.
I've seen a LOT of your artwork, Man. For some reason, (not that I give anymore credit to one particular medium of artwork over another but) I'm just absolutely stunned at your ability to manifest the ideas in your noggin.
I'd LOVE to what your entire cos looked like, all worn together. Oh well.
Thanks for sharing this and keep it up, puh-lease! You're fan-freakin-tastic!
Until you next bless us all with your magnificent work. . . .

............Take care, be good and keep creating.period

sucho responds:

the rest of it wasn't nearly as impressive. i did make a few dead alien frog "snacks" to sling around, but my work with textiles isnt anywhere as impressive. i'm really flustered at myself for not doing anything ORIGINAL yet. i mean the skeksis is close since its my interpretation of one, but i need to do a monster of my own design sometime.

Did someone say Suicide Girls???

OMG, trentonfalcon------>
This is an absolutely stunning piece you have here! I love the color of her hair and the Betty Paige build she has as well! Hey, not that you give 2 shets about this, but I have the same kind of plugs in MY ears too (except mine are black with a white star on each one).
The shading is great and I just GOTTA say it again, her hair color is gorgeous! The flower off to the side is a nice touch, VERY feminine. The fishnets are hot and she herself is simply wonderful. I hope to see ALOT more by you on here soon, Man! When you do upload some more, make sure to link me in a P.M. if ya would. I recommended you for the portal, in the hopes that I could save this piccy in my faves! <3 Until next time. . .

..............Take care, be good and admire the Female Anatomy.period

trentonfalcon responds:




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