Such a beautiful piece, Guys. . .
This is one of the best dance songs I've heard on NG so far, F-777------>
Honestly. I mean, not that I'm some sort of talent scout for this genre or anything but I AM a (n00b) Newgrounder who considers herself to listen to a good deal of music here. You Sir, have found your way on my favorite audio artists as well, now. Hope you don't mind!
I'm not sure what this sounded like before but the two of you have really hit the nail on the head with it, NOW. "Journey into Twilight" is simply put, an amazing piece to listen to. I wonder, has anyone asked for your permission to use it in anything yet? I mean, I don't animate, but I was just curious to see what, if an, this HAD been used for. Once again, not to drone on and on, Man, but this was a beautiful piece. I surely hope to hear something more from you and Wyld. Your collaborations (from what I've heard) are magnificent. Please, keep it up, Guys. until your next epic dance song. . .
...........Take care, be good and celebrate Family.period