View Profile rednikaiaG

245 Audio Reviews

168 w/ Responses

You are freakin' awesome, Chicky!

I wish I would have thought of this, Sapphire2611------>
This is right up there with your Demo Reel! I mean, there's, of course, more variety in your Demo but this if FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC, My Lady! I only hope, that one day, I can be as smooth voiced as you. Your recording are always so well developed, mixed to perfection and your voice is amazing.
You know, if I had a penis it would probably be erect now. Ha! Sorry, I just HAD to say it! Maybe one day, you won't be able to find any other females here to help you with a project and you'll be forced to take me under your wing. Then, I can learn the master tricks, tips and hints from you. Heh heh heh I kid, I kid. Don't worry, I'm not stalking you. I'm just impressed, that's all, Sapphire2611. I hope you DO win, or at least place within the top 3! If ANYone has ANY sense, they'll make this into a flash. If I could animate, I know I would. Oh well, enough ranting for now. See you tonight, when I loom over your sleeping body.

..........Take care, be good and keep mace handy.
You know, to protect you from the crazies.period

*bows down graciously

to that rich voiced King 'o' Newgrounds*

Moyty foyn Soyre, moyty foyn indeed.

Uh, huh-huh. . . arg.

*wipes the brown sh*t from my nose*

Aw. . . shucks. . .

I love you too, Stag-a-rino------! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
You know, it seems you'll NEVER lose your ability to amuse me to the
*to be yelled like a 14 year old boy would if screaming "epic"*
MOST EXTREME degree. There are simply no words that can convey my love for you, your harmonizing phenomenal expressions, the heart in which you wear on your sleeve everyday proven only by the love in your words, the dedication in sharing these things inside your warped head, your Family, your Skyping presence, your consistent Beaver advocacy, your Jungle music making Brother, the hilarity on your youtube account, the animations you amuse so MANY with, the invitations you send me to partake in your brilliance and most imPORTantly, the scraps of your old clothing you toss me. BTW, I still have some I've been sniffing wisely, conservatively though, mind you.
Oh yeah, and your a capella Simpsons. It's ah-ite too! Ha ha ha ha! Thanks for finally doing THIS theme song, Lovey! I only wish I could vote a bazillion. I suppose a 10 and a 5 will have to do. Please fill my ears will your infinitely entertaining spunk again SOON. Until then, Staggy-Poo. . .
*Beaver Tail Slaps and Contaminated Nuclear Plant Waste Diving*

..........Take care, be good and thanks for worshipping Danny-Boy.period
I missed you on Sunday's Service. I'm deducting your tithes to the Church 'o' Danny from the money you deserve to make from creating all of this magnificent work.

Stalagmite responds:

for some reason instead of saying thanks as a response to your epic reviews, i feel somehow compelled to write a novel right back!
well i do try! and thank baldrick my little stalker is back on the show! you seem to have come back to this crappy website and are now stalking me on youtube too! :D:D:D its nice to have a fan :D lol.
well i really dont know how to make my reply as unique or meaningful as your review, but a simple thank you wouldnt cut it :S
i think i owe you for all your wonderful reviews. :D
maybe i will compose a little something special :D

yoo suk

i ment to v0te zer0 fagit cuz yoo suk butt i hit 10 insted bich so i jest tel yoo dumb ugly hed fuker bich stooped ass dummy dik

Eh, eh, eh? Whaddya think Champ-Stag? Pretty good, huh? Did you ACTUALLY think I was a 13 year old kid who was SO jealous of your work I had attempted to vote 0 but was in fact, SO ignorant and unobservant, that I hit 10? I sure hope so! I cannot exress to you HOW much joy this brings me. Your words have lifted a common veil that I believe MANY people are blinded by here at Newgrounds. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are cocks 'n' twats EVERYwhere you go. You have simply managed to piece together the perfect monologue expressing almost EVERYONE'S feeling who have EVER gotten zer0 b0mbed.
For that, we all thank you (especially ME).
Until your next astonishing verbal dumping. . . .

........Take care, be good and piss off more zer0 b0mbers.period

Stalagmite responds:

LOL. yeah i troll the trolls on Youtube too. :D and on NG. I am like an internet superhero. my special ability to annoy! :D
you are the first one to have recieved the full alphabet from me.
use it wisely. :D lol.
THANKs for your mind raping comments. and your execution of trolling zerobombing linguistics where wonderful.
you could be my sidekick!
thanks. eat cheese. i made your bunny too. :D CC is coming to a cinema near you!

Ein, zwei, drei uh-huh huh, I mean...

Eins, swine, cofferight, Stag-a-Meter------>
So, there's something called a Mew OTHER than Drew?
Hmmmm, who woulda known?
I always thought HE was the epitome of MEW-ness.
I'm not going to look further into what a Mew is in RL.
Although, I feel I should know what the hell it is, due to Tardom's CONSTANT ranting about Pokemon. Oh well, I never said I was the most observant Female in the bunch. Ah, our little Skype Family has taken a bit of a hiatus, eh?
No matter, strange minds think alike. I'm sure we'll all be together again soon enough. Thanks again for filling my ears with beautiful, random musical bits of goodness. You deserve a Crown for your efforts here at Newgrounds, that certain nameless, video upload site AND in in your everyday life. PLUS, you REALLY deserve a lifetime of stinky cheese.
Neither of which I can provide you with. Sorry.
*Beaver Tail Slaps and Pokemon Kitty Fur Clumps*
<3 Gaia <3

Stalagmite responds:

You keep slapping me with that beaver tail. and to be honest, im getting a kick out of it :D "eyerows"
i got WOOD! lol. coz im a beaver, get it. joke...
so apart from ruining humour by explaining the joke, I reply by telling you firstly, THANK YOU!
secondly. how dare you! i need cheese to survive.
and yes, mew is awesome.. so awesome infact.. we are expecting =D
yes i think skype family is awesome, but its not something i am up to every night, being as i have so many projects on the go.. :D and YES, learn pokemon. Or i will destroy you again. BY TICKLING! tehehehehe!!!!!!

This song brings back ALOT of memories. . .

Not only because I miss the days when you aand I WERE chipmunks, Stag------>
Fighting all day long epic battles betwixt the Beavers and Badgers but back when I was also a young HUMAN child.
Pitch bending or not, this is one of the best versions of this song I have EVER heard. I hope you're not sitting there trying to shoot down my compliments with your ever so fucked logic, Staggy. There's NO WAY you can deny the fact that you ARE a musically talented man. I just love the little scat session towards the end, as well. Heh heh heh Cuteness!
Unless you have aliens tying you to a table, claiming they will violently anally probe you multiple times consecutively, if you agree with me.
THEN, I can understand. Other than that, your excuses are futile.
You should be doing this professionally for SOMEthing. You are amazing.
Forever a fan of your insanity and harmonizing. . . .
*Beaver Tail Slaps and Gregorian Chants*
<3 Gaia <3

Stalagmite responds:

haha. ironically Gregorian chanting is something i have been working on!
but, thank you. i will take your compliments then. just THIS ONCE! (shakes at the anal probe aliense YOU sent to force me to accept)

i love to play with structure and music, testing it and applying a new technique in all my songs =D
i THINK. it is about time i made a song for a special someone. "nudge"

Lil' Miss Jessi is bringing. . .

wonderful, wonderful things to Organic-Cucumber------>
I'm so happy to have to heard this tonight.
I have alot of memories attached to this Movie and it was a blast to hear it again. Thank you both for submitting this FABulous piece. Wah-Hooey for the Organic-Cucumber! Cute, cute stuff. Nice voices at thebeginning and the end as well, guys. Good Job! Until your next wonderous song. . .

..............Take care, be good and feel the love.period

Organic-Cucumber responds:

Yays!!! :D
Thanks Gaia! We tried....I think we got into character well, lol. xD

Wierd, I almost want to use this for something. .

About the second time around on this loop, I got this melody stuck in my head.
It almost makes me want to use this as a base for a song.
I'm not sure how that whole thing works out though. I guess if I get motivated enough to ACTUALLY do it, I'd write to you (other than when I write to you just to let you know how fucking awesome your ZIP songs are) and ASK for your permission. You're not gonna stab me in the colon are you? Please don't. Heh heh heh That's funny. My colon. Ah. . . *sighs* Keep it up, Man. Everything I've heard by you is pretty cool. ESPECIALLY the ZIP songs, BOTH of them but particularly the first one. I think anyway. I'll stop stalking you now and let you go. You're awesome though. I hope you know that. Make more stuff damnit. Please. Until you do. . .

........Take care, be good and loop.period

Hmmm, this name sounds familiar. . .

Familiar, very familiar indeed, my friend.
Nice piece. Very soft with a strange, slightly evil sounding bit at the end.
Was this a cover song or is it an original?
Nice. Nice indeed. Cheers!

Seanlikeskites responds:


Aw, you KNOW I'm emotionally unstable. . .

So WHY do you torture me so with the thought of my little fuzzy, wuzzy cutest puppy "Alabama Whurley Gerken Haselden" dog, dying? Aw, Man.
She might not have been in a window or anything when I rescued her,
(or technically SHE picked ME out, probably because I have "Sucker" written on my forehead VERY clearly, only where stray animals can see, I suppose) but she WAS at the shelter I was workin' at, at the time. Man, I remember it like it was yesterday. . . *cue the dream sequence sound effect*
*tears well up in my eyes*
Here we go.
*rambles indecipherably to Bama, with dripping eyes, all the while*

Stalagmite responds:

lol. well firstly, i watched Hostel. which gave me an interest in torture. so i implied such evil skill, into the medium of sound.
but dont worry. your dogs wont get cancer :D i give them STAGS LEVELUP.
Dogs have used "immunity" it was super effective :D
of course, thank you for this wonderful review chicken. it means a lot to have you visit my page and violently stalk my music :D heres a battle axe and old garments. please tie me up and chop me up when you feel comfortable. :D



Stalking YOU!

RecessionPrepAcad emy

SoCong Blackhole

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