View Profile rednikaiaG

245 Audio Reviews

168 w/ Responses

Dude, seriously. . . .

is there NO SONG, you suck @, Baddest-Man-I (love you)------?
This was great. Hard hitting, fast paced, well played and Hell, I can almost SEE the fuckin' dirtbikes crashin' into one another.
That's the worst though, slide crashes, off the tip of hill jumps. Whatever.
My favorite section was when it hit around 0:55 and so on. That slower paced metal scrub slop sound. LOVE it! Then it hops right back into the fast shit again. That's the best! Miss seein' you 'round here as often as before. Hope everything's been nothin' but Golden for you, Man. And I ain't talkin' bout no Golden Showers either! I mean, unless you're INto that sort of thing. In which case, uh...good luck? Cover up any open wounds, whilst participating. Hell, unless YOU'RE the one sprinkling. Yeah, um... I miss ya. You'll always be my top Metal Master, here at Newgrounds, BMI. Thanks for everything.

.................Take care, be good and choose Golden Showers, over Scat.period

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Glad you like it CHICKA!
I still see. :P


OMG, you know Ethan too? ? ?

_________The Assailant's View_________
I've been looking for him!! I sent him an e-mail asking him to take his clothes off so he would be able to take nudey piccys of himself and send them to me. We spoke but one night, and the words we exchanged were nothing but golden love. How I miss his undeveloped tonality of voice. There's just something about boys who haven't hit puberty yet that gets my blood a boiling, if you know what I mean, here. I'd like to POKEmon him!!! Mmmmm. . .
*grunts in a pedophiliac way and then continues my perverted daydreaming*

_________The "Victim's" (Father's) View_________
I've sent PM's to EVERYone I can think of, threatening them. I said I'll hunt them down and beat them uo with my Escrima Sticks. Damnit!! Those escrima sticks will destroy YOU if that's who sent it. I'm tired of pedophiles, such as you, Egoraptor, Luna and all the rest I sent them too. You're all sick freaks with a taste for young, naked, innocent, vulnerable, smooth flesh.....*licks my lips, out of carnal hunger* Damn you all. Go get lives!

Ha ha ha. I couldn't resist, Staggy. Sorry about that. Another sub well done.
......Take care, be good and molest.period
<3 :(Gaia:)

Stalagmite responds:

I love you gaia your so nice
reviews all day and every night
picking your nose and wipe it on the floor
i know your little habits because i stalk YOU MORE!
thus i declare WAR!

may the better stalker survive... "breathes heavily over your sleeping body" LOL!
thanks chicken piss. i love your role play. im reviewing all the VA submissions tommorow.. GEH.................... hard work after a day at work.. FUN FUN FUN! thanks gaia.

Where was MY f*ckin' New Song P.M.

alert notification, e-mail, announcement thingy, Stag-a-Rino------?
I mean, you have the right to give ME shit when I don't send YOU one but I get NOTHING, lettin' me know you had this up? Bollocks! Bollocks, I say!
Maybe I have let my stalking get a little weak. You're not scared of me sneaking in your bedroom and rubbing peanut butter all on your face anymore while you're sleeping, or what?

Well, I suppose I can forgive you long enough to leave a review. Once again, you have left your spawn juice all up in my ears. I think I will leave it in there awhile and enjoy your eerie harmony, for EddEgg's End credits. Bravo!
*stands to applause you on a FABulous mini-a capella Masterpiece*

Dayum college football season and it's will to keep me from Skype.
I miss you, a truckload of produce from South America, Stag.

......Take care, be good and PM me, dayumit, when you put new stuff out.period
Love, :(Gaia:)

Stalagmite responds:

WTF are you doing up this late or early! you mad cow. but yeah, i miss you to, but no worries lol, i am working hard on wheeler still! i definately need some voices from you. but none the less, i hope you are happy and healthy! and you dont get obsessed with ......"eauch" football. (shivers).
that would be like giving in to the dark side. :D lol.
wel take care chicken piss. hope you have a goodun!
"beaver out"

It's not too often I hear. . .

raw music, that's not mixed down/FX'd all to Hell these days, ageReason------>

So, I'm assuming you recorded both tracks all in one take, right? If so, that shows some concentration on your part, Man. You have one of those fancy-shmancy neck harmonica holders or what? This was a great piece, in the fact that it was created through real, man made physical instruments.
Bonus score for that! Heh heh heh

I will say, the tempo starts to kind of bust up around 1:50. I know, I know, you said it was moreso an improvisation. I'm just sayin'. . . Why didn't you add the lyrics in too? Just curious. I've heard some of your other stuff, Man, on your website. It was really well conveyed. You have a different taste in things than most. How's that rotoscoping thing coming along? You still workin' on that?

Well, let me know when you post the other version with the lyrics, Man.
I'd be happy to come give it a listen. PM me, please. Until then. . .

.............Take care, be good and don't cause, More Harm Than Good.period

ageReason responds:

Everything I record, I record live. I'm either too untalented or too uncoordinated to record and edit multiple tracks. Plus, the music ends up sounding more genuine and less manufactured when it's recorded live and the post-production is minimal to non-existent.
The tempo picks up because, in my head, I was playing the bridge to the words that I was silently singing. The melody will be a lot more obvious in the version with singing, which I intend to upload here later.
Thanks to you for listening and taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

Wow, was this taken. . .

all in one shot, Kirbyfemur------?
If so, that's great! This was really cute, Dude. I loved the "evil" music playing in the BG and the main character describing the surroundings.
Ha! That's funny, Hell working on a budget.
Little Mr. Meewop sounded cute as all get out. Especially, when he said "YeaeaeaeaeeaaH". He sort of sounded like Gizmo. Oh and Fluffy reminded me of watching Inpsector Gadget back in the day! Heh heh heh
See? No one here is gonna shun you! I read that forum post! :)
Great job on an original entry to the contest , Man. I wish you the best of luck in it!
So, until they announce the winners. . .

.................Take care, be good and eat MUFFINS.period


Kirbyfemur responds:

Wow thanks! =D

Yeah it was all done in one sitting, i'm not very good at long time projects. My best stuff (In my opinion) seems to be better when it's kind of spontaneous.
I hadn't even though of Inspector gadget when i was doing the voice, but wow you're right. xD

Thank you again for the support, and i can't wait to see who wins it also. =3

What a cute entry! :)

I loved all the different television shows, diamond-armada------>
The newscaster who announced the story on Uranus incorrectly was silly! The military booby song was hmmm, charming? And the Scooby-Doo gang was right on the money. Ha! Zoinks! Your Jewish old man was pretty good. The Italian was, well, Italian. :) This was an original idea.
Yeah and you're right, it DOES kind of sound like a demo reel! Well, there's a great way to get two birds with one stone. Good job!
Maybe someday, you and I can work on something together.
Good luck on the contest, diamond-armada!
Until they announce the winners. . .

.........Take care, be good and EAT MUFFINS.period


Your scientist reminds me of . . .

Jeff freakin' Goldblum, CartoonplanetStudios------>
Great job, Man! The musical background went well with the skit too. I thought it was a great definitive touch, that with each voice changing, the music changed along with it, as well. It was good to hear someone who wasn't in last month's contest. Well, it's moreso exciting, I guess. New voices, new ideas, new characters. heh heh heh I'll have to go check out your page and see what else you have posted in your audio portal gifts, to NG.
Your mixing is good stuff. Pretty solid.
I wish you the best of luck, in the competition, CPS! Maybe you and I will end up working on something together, sometime. *shrugs* Who knows?
Until they announce the winners. . .

..................Take care, be good and EAT MUFFINS.period


The scientist reminds me of Yoda!

Cute entry, Bou1der------>
Glad to hear you stpped outside of your norm and jumped head first into a VA Contest! Wah-Hooey! I entered my first contest last month. So, you and I are n00bie brother and sister, here in the VA World. Heh heh heh
Hey, what program did you use to record and with what kind of mic?
This is just a suggestion, Man (cause God knows I am in NO way an established VA) but if you bring your volume levels down some, when mixing down your tracks, it would help with the crackling speaker sound. You can adjust where your mic sits too, to try and cut back on the breathy sound, as well. There should be a trim button on whatever program you're using. It's great for taking away the hums, buzzes, and breathy sounds we all make, when we record. Whatever, I'll shut up now. If you ever have any questions or need some help, drop me a line. OR you could just ask someone who's submission YOU really enjoy. That way, you know what you're working with.
Dayum, this review never stops going. I'll put an end to that.
Good luck on the contest, Bou1der! Until they announce the winners. . .

..............Take care, be good and EAT MUFFINS.period


Le Experimental Man is on the loose again. . .

I gotta give it up to you, IO------>
You have a tendency to make me appreciate the fact, that WE as humans, can not only make sounds joined together, which could be understood or interpreted as a machine had made them but enjoy them, as well.
I guess it doesn't really matter if you know what I'm talking about or not. The important thing is, you understand that I am glady handing you a compliment, for yet another song, well done, Man.

So, here we start, a bot controlled yo-yo. Up and down the thing goes, with no emotional support, from the machine, which plays this futile, human game.
@ 0:43 the mecha hate drowns out the constant up and down of the yo-yo, then slows to a more gentle, human like sound. Soft, flowing with the beat of an uncertain robotic motion in the background. Almost a joining of the two.
I love the turn the song takes around 2:30 or so. That echoing mechanical, bouncing metal, stretching back and forth, over the drums. Nice, very nice.
@ 3:35 things take a more insect like sounding change, only to switch back to the mecha beats, smothering out the industrial insect nesting activity.

Thanks for the P.M., IO. Not only do I want to answer you by saying, "No, I don't mind you sending it at ALL, letting me know you had a new song out." but, I'd like to add "I only expect you to keep doing so, for as long as you are on my favorites list". "Please", of course.
I don't want you to think I'm being a Bossy Bessy, here now, do I?

............Take care, be good and keep creating relationships
betwixt machines and ourselves, InvisibleObserver.period

InvisibleObserver responds:

Sounds fair.

And yes this reply is small and not apparently a satisfactory response to a long review.



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