View Profile rednikaiaG

245 Audio Reviews

168 w/ Responses

*imagines a club with an open mic night*

No, actually I DON'T think I can illuminate ANYone. Hell, it's all I can do to convince myself that the things I choose to do and say to others are even worth a shit for me, let alone anyone else. *briefly thinks of "Everything Illuminated" and smiles* Man, talking about war. I fear I won't have enough room, nor time at the moment to even touch on my feelings about war or homelessness right now.
At least the vast amount of apathy that newer generations wear on their sleeves are because they have never HAD to worry about their Mothers being killed on the way to market, or bombs being dropped all the time, so much so, the noises are no longer even heard from it's war laden residents. We don't know much of the pain that many countries have been suffering for years on end, with no avail. Not that we haven't has any casualties or losses.
That's NOT what I'm saying.
*thinks, I shouldn't have even started to type about it, or someone's gonna come back with something calling me a lazy, arrogant bitch, who can't even dedicate herself enough to finish a thought*
Whatever. Different sounding song. Very different. The voice is very low and I had a hard time making a lot of the stuff out. I think I caught the jist of it's message though, friend. Interesting piece indeed. Hope to hear more!

..................Take care, be good and practice spoken word.period

Ceevro responds:

I was just imagining, as an atheist, what Jesus would say if he came back. I figured he'd sound like Sam Jackson...

*laughs outloud at the lyrics as I listen again*

Aw, Man, Ceevro---------->
Ha ha ha ha! "I tie it off in the back, with a fan belt, from by 4X4". That Sir, was one of the silliest things I have yet to hear, here on Newgrounds! I saw the review, you left for me on my "Muffins" submission and decided to head on over here to see what all YOU had goin' on. And what do ya know? To my suprise, here I found, one of the funniest and most fitting redneck songs I've even heard here. Hoe-Lee Cuh-Riste!
You know, not that you give a flying f^ck about this, but I live in the South. So, this song, for me, rang true in it's nature of humor. You gave me quite a few good laughs outta this, Man. Touching on FOX News, your dog who mates with ANYthing, Jesus' hairstyle, drinking and ALL that jazz. Thanks again for something so silly for me to add to my favorites. Keep these a comin', Partner!
Until your next funny @ss song comes out. . .

..............Take care, be good and drink Budweiser.period

Ceevro responds:

Hey man, I'm from Alberta, beef capital of the world (why do I feel there's a few cowboy-hats about to line up at my door?)! The frightening thing is that I've only written about what I've actually SEEN.

*sits listening as I drool all over myself*

Ok IO, let me get this straight---------->
Not only are you an amazing glitch maker, a sharp tongued funny guy to write to and hear from, but you're ALSO a didgeridoo player too? A PVC on, no less? Ha!
I KNEW it! You HAVE to be some sort of superhuman or something. No standard gened mammal can give birth to such a piece of work without help from the Gods. Ha!
Nah, really though, this was great! I just LOVE the idea, of knowing that the sounds I'm hearing in here, are you, playing a PVC didgeridoo. How cool is that, you may ask me? Pretty freakin' cool. SO much so, that I have no words for it, exactly. Once again, I'm left only to pat you on the back and commend you for a job spectacularly done. This song, was almost like one of those cheezy Hallmark cards you can send to people that plays music. When I clicked on teh linx, I heard you, and just like a Hallmark card would have egged me on to do, I started missing interacting with you. Hope all is well. This New Year will surely bring you inspiration for more epic music to come. Keep on, keepin' on, Man.
Maybe I can pull my head outta my anti-social networking phase I've been stuck in, the past two months or so. Until then, IO. . .

..................Take care, be good and make more digital Aboriginal muzack.period

*listens to this song, looping*

FatKid, FatKid, FatKid---------->
You're such a talented fellow. I always get a kick out of hearing that, not only does a person, do voices for animations, or skits and contests, but they make music as well. This was a really great piece to listen to. The fact that you added a written visualization for us all to enjoy is a bonus, too. Some of your statements are so full of emotion and then at other times, you're just a downright, smart @ss. Heh heh heh I love it. Good job on this one and I can't wait to hear more from you. I'm not familiar with Garageband, so I don't know what limitations you were working with, but it sounds good to me. I'm particularly fond of the glitchy sounds at the beginning and towards the end of the song too. *gives you two thumbs up*
Feel free to shoot me a PM with any new submissions.
I'm ALWAYS willing to put my $10.00 in.
So, until then, Nick. . .

..............Take care, be good and compose.period

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

ASS. Oo im naughty.

Garageband comes with every mac computer, and mine is one of the first versions so it is even more limited than the newer versions. My friend has a new version and I use it all the time to record podcasting and vocie acting because it gets rid of every bit of white noise and reall is agreat program for implementing theatrical aspects into audio compositions. *in other words its a nifty program*

I am also quite proud of those glitches because I wanted to experiment with pads made from scratch. The outcome from messing around really was awesome, even though it took me forever to perfect.

*attempts fluidity through two seperate reviews*

This is yet another complicated piece to add another notch on your belt. I'm not exactly sure what that meant, but it sounded really good in my head. Either way, I've missed your music and your words as well. Hope to hear them soon. Oh yeah, and very belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2K10 as well, IO.
Thanks for pumping good music out for others to enjoy.
*fist bumps*

InvisibleObserver responds:

Attempted fluidity through two separate reviews successful!

*listens to part one, missing your wit*

I fear I must spare you this time, my overtly useless attention to details I know nothing about. Listening to this just makes me wish I hadn't taken such a long break away from this place. You are and forever will be one of the most intriguing musicians I have come in contact with thus far, here on Newgrounds.
See Part Two. . .

InvisibleObserver responds:

To part 2 I go.

*smiles and thinks of your diverse sounds*

Hey there shadowBOXer---------->
No long review this time, just love.
Good Job, Boxxy. Keep it up.
<3 :(Gaia:)

Box-Killa responds:

I like love, this is a good review :D

*searches for my old school GameBoy*

Drew, Drew, Drew, my boy---------->
Once again you've managed to play with my mental shortcomings and obsessive tendencies in constantly repeating the songs I most recently hear over and over and over in my head.
So, it's out with Daisy and the Copa Cabana and in with Tetris, the rave version, no less. *reaches for my blue glowsticks and rainbow leg warmers and gloves*
I miss being here on Newgrounds so much and can't wait til I get to chat with all of my homeboys. I see Staggy-Poo left a review too. I miss you two in both of my ears, jabbering on about senseless things. *remembers Vladimir Putin and his hilarious balloon animal making streak* I love you guys! Good job Drew. You maximized your ability to tweak on my disabilities. It's FABulouso, Lovey!

...........Take care, be good and keep on, keepin' on.period
Much love to you and the rest of the gang! *pounds my left fist against my chest*
Love, :(Gaia:)

This is a theme song for an evil villian. . .

who still likes to watch cartoons and is a fan of the military, BK---------->
@ 0:49 the eerie feel, with that constant sounding note, was GREAT!
@ 1:47 there was a slowed down, more Nutcrackery feel to it. Maybe that's just the Holidays comin' out in my mind though. The faster paced noted, added into the same beats and marching band sound got a more powerful sound. And at 2:58 there was a real military marching band sound. An excited drummer in there was pounding away with the insane pianist too.
It all tied together well at the end, with all parts coming together nicely.

Once again, you've suprised me with yet another different sounding song. It's so nice to know that not all NG musicians have the same sound to all their songs. You have the ability to achieve varied genres and that in itself, is a real talent. Thanks again for another beautiful song to listen to. I hope you keep making music, BK. This one should definitely be used in either a fight sequence, or in an introduction to a confused villian, who's heart knows not which way to side with. You know, like, an innocent kid who has evil within them but still likes to get down on some yummy cotton candy or something.
Yeah. . . I'm rambling now.
Good job, Man.
Keep it up!

...................Take care, be good and save a turkey, eat your veggies.period

Happy Early Thanksgiving, Box-Killa!

Ok, I can see it. . .

yeah, a tyrant, or a King who rose to power, Box-Killer---------->
using only his evil forces (or something like you said). You know, kind of like how you use your evil wicked @ss skills to play such different arrays of sounds with your songs? Heh heh heh. I'd love to see the flash when it's finished, BK. It sounds like it would be pretty good.
I listened to it on headphones AND without, both sounding brilliant, mind you. I swear you keep suprising me with almost every new submission I hear from you. Violin Liberation had the feel you were going for. At least that's what I think from what I heard. I'm glad to hear you have songs that are going to be used in flash too. How cool! Lemme see it and send me teh linx when it's finished.
Until then. . .

..............Take care, be good and rise to power using purity.period

Box-Killa responds:

Yeah :D Sorry for late reply, I was super busy, yeah thanks a bunch

my good headphones broke arg







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