View Profile rednikaiaG

245 Audio Reviews

168 w/ Responses

I had NO idea. . .

what an EWI was, acmeDyne---------->
I had to Google it in order to find out. I saw you mentioned it an all of your submissions. Hell, at the risk of sounding like a backwood's hillbilly, I had no clue they even had things like that. So, how's the control of things like pressure and stuff on those? Relatively close to the real things or what?

Back to your beautiful song though. . . It had such a light feel to it. I was really floaty sounding, like a fairy, or wind, a dandylion or even the soft texture of fur or something. There was a faint hint of fading in there to me. Sort of like how beautiful snow is, but you're sad because it won't last very long. So very delicate sounding. You are now one of my favorite musicians.
Thanks for sharing your talent with the people here, especially me.

.............Take care, be good and compose.period

acmeDyne responds:

The EWI is a blast to play. I was surprised at how well drums and percussion stuff work with it. Thanks.

*grins like an idiot*

Call me a reckluse, acmeDyne---------->
But this was a perfect combination of rock, melody and accordian?! Is THAT what that sound is? *shrugs* I don't what it is, but you've made your own little notch in genres, I think. Has anyone ever put lyrics to this? Did you write this one too? This is really cool. I was gonna try and put some labeled names on it to let you know what I think it sounds like. But, I think just saying, that you have achieved a very different and entertaining sound here, lets you in enough to what I think.

Cool, very cool, Man. Different. Goodness, with a light sprinkle of cheese. Naw, scratch that last one. Cheese is NOT a good adjective for the sound the accordian makes. Doesn't have enough pride in it's pronunciation. Yeah.

........................Take care, be good and get "Thru", but not with music.period

*sits staring, in amazement*

I can't believe NO ONE else has reviewed this yet, acmeDyne----------->
This is an amazing piece of music, which, no matter HOW many times I sit and listen to it, brings me imense pleasure. I can't help but think of Terry Gilliam, when I hear this though. Not that that's a bad thing at all.

So, let me ask you something. Is this something YOU wrote? Or is this from a movie, game, what? It has such a familiar feel to it. I think of The City of Lost Children, Twelve Monkeys, Delicatessen, The Tale of Todd Sweeney (the original filmed Broadway adaptation). Good stuff, indeed, friend.

I'd really like to use this in something. Although I'm not sure I could come up with something worthy enough to fit it correctly. Anyway, good job for such a great thing. I'm sort of disappointed I hadn't listened to songs from my favorites list more soon. Until next time. . .

......................Take care, be good and try the pies.period

*glances at the song length again*

Now, BK, BK, BK---------->
Not that I'm one to be observant. But since I've been asking for new release notices, I think this is by far the LONGEST song you've done?
I was really excited to see that length.
I'm sorry I can't offer you any advice or suggestions from a drums, point of view. I can tell you something I felt though. The song carried a good deal of strength with it, from the beginning to the end. But, when the very end DID come, I kind of felt like, it simply dropped off mid be-----. See? it was able to carry me on some sort of journey, musically, (as the awesome, fellow below me, said). But that wonderful journey smacks into a brick wall. Maybe that's just me though.

I JUST listened to Jazzy Elevator again. I love that song and I'm still wanting to work that into something. Maybe a waiting room, or yes, an elevator situation. Telemarketing would work as well. I love you and your different range of musical talents. Thanks for another song to enjoy. Ooooh, and that Haitian Relief Album sounds cool. I might try and hop on that train too. If there's no immediately deadline or anything. Until next time. . .

....................Take care, be good and travel.period

*craves a cigar and a shot or two of whiskey*

You know, sorohanro---------->
I ran across this song, through a faved music list, of a friend of mine, Heathwillkillyou. As SOON as I heard it begin, I just KNEW you had a winner here! This is a FABUlous song, that could pieced to an animation, involving an old school detective scene. You know what I'm talkin' about. The kind of dramatic, black and white skit, that deals with some old P.I., smoking a stogie in his office, looking through some dusty files. Then, a very attractive damsel in distress walks up and asks for his help in finding out if her husband is cheating, or has been killed or what have you.
Man, I gotta give it up to you again.
Good job on a scene well played and the PERFECT atmosphere to go with it. You've painted this in my head EVERYtime I've sat and listened to this, looped over and over and over and over. . . .
Hope to hear more stuff by you.

..................Take care, be good and keep on, keepin' on, Man.period

sorohanro responds:

Thank you.
This is actually what I had in mind when I did it.
I have here more than 70 tracks, however, these days I work on several projects (2 rock bands, one pop ballad project and my second jazz album... lots of work).

*has to grab my chapstick. . .

'cause my lips are cracked, from smiling so much*
Oh Man 36Holla---------->
I have no clue, what's up with you hatin' on this TheOwner/LeeOwner or whatever his name is, B-U-T, I am likin' it, I gotta say! This little ditty got me smiling at first. Then it grew into a wicked smirk. As your voice carried on, mocking this guy and talking about the BBS, that was it. I full on, started laughing outloud. The whole thing about wanting to be a forum mod and PM'ing Wade 50 times, hentai, which game is better, being 14, the Bagel Shop chick. . . ALL of it, was spec-freakin'tacular! Good luck on your marriage, in the Bahamas!

Ha ha ha ha! Man, I only wish you would get pissed, or wanna make fun of MORE people, JUST so I could sit here and listen to it! Good job on bringing a smile and some laughter to a lowly noob, such as myself! :)

.............Take care, be good and OWN.period

*looks at my Christmas Tree and. . .

dreads taking it down*
Yet another song with a different sound to it. What a strange taste you have shown here. This is really fast paced. I could see something happening in the background like running or maybe even fighting off something very small. Flight could even be involved in the scene too.
For some reason, this is like, the second song I've heard by you that made me think of Christmas, even if it was just a LITTLE bit. Eh, that's probably just me.
Good song. Hope someone puts it to good use too! Keep on making muzack!

..............Take care, be good and remember, the Fat Man is watching you.period

Ceevro responds:

Second thing I did. The person who showed me how to use the mixing program said that it was only good for techno stuff. So I did a jazz number. Showed her!

*craves a Diet Coke and listens again*

Ah Ceevro---------->
This is very poppy, very light and upbeat. I COULD see this being used in a Coke commercial or something. Just curious though, what's up with the title? What does it mean to you? Or what's it all about, I SHOULD say.
Oooh, I almost hear a little bit of Christmas in there too. Maybe this could be used for one of their infamous Christmastime Coke commercials!
Brightly lit trees and main streets, people smiling and drinking Coke, and somewhere, theres Chunky Old Saint Nick, touching the side of his nose, and taking a sip of that sweet, comforting Coke-a-Cola! We could always make a REAL crowd pleaser and add in the polar bears and penguins too!

.................Take care, be good and drink Coke.period

Ceevro responds:

Andrea was an old girlfriend of mine. Years pass, we're still good friends. She still makes me think I'm cool. This song was her attitude in sound. Which is more accurate a description than anyone knows...

*shakes my head back and forth*

Man, Ceevro---------->
You sure have a lot of different sounding songs on here. In my opinion, that's a pretty rare find around these parts. Musicians on Newgrounds, for the most part (MOST people, I did NOT say ALL) have the same genre type sound to EVERYthing they submit. So far, and this is only the third song of yours I've heard, but so far, there was a song mocking mullets, a spoken word song about war and now this. Curious indeed, my friend.
This one had a pretty fluid sound to it. I did think at the end, the song sort of just, cuts off immediately though. Hell, maybe that's what you were going for. Who knows? Heh heh heh. So this was the very first thing you ever mixed, eh? If so, nice job. Good deal. Seems you have a brewing talent within you, Ceevro.
I can't wait to see what all you come out with in the future. Until then. . . .

.............Take care, be good and fuck jungles?question mark

Ceevro responds:

Thanks! Yup, this was the first song I ever mixed...and yeah, I did want it to just drop at the end...I think I'd better put a new one up right away....



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