I had NO idea. . .
what an EWI was, acmeDyne---------->
I had to Google it in order to find out. I saw you mentioned it an all of your submissions. Hell, at the risk of sounding like a backwood's hillbilly, I had no clue they even had things like that. So, how's the control of things like pressure and stuff on those? Relatively close to the real things or what?
Back to your beautiful song though. . . It had such a light feel to it. I was really floaty sounding, like a fairy, or wind, a dandylion or even the soft texture of fur or something. There was a faint hint of fading in there to me. Sort of like how beautiful snow is, but you're sad because it won't last very long. So very delicate sounding. You are now one of my favorite musicians.
Thanks for sharing your talent with the people here, especially me.
.............Take care, be good and compose.period