Much deeper sound you achieved here. . .
They're NOT drums, you say, Jessismith------?
Well what ARE they? They ALMOST kind of sound like gigantic wire cables being plucked. I mean, I don't know where you would have gotten THAT sound, but either way. I like it! If the drums would just stay around! *shakes my fist angrily in the air* Why did you have to foresake the drums Gawd?!?!?
For some reason, I still like the older version better. That sux your rendering process went all loopy. I would have LOVED to hear it with the "drums" ALL the way through. Anyhoo, I'm off to listen to every other thing you have posted up here. Thanks for being such a talented Woman. Until I get to hear you next. . . .
............Take care, be good and render.period