*cries about my Mum's obesity issue*
She DID eat the words you were gonna use to insult her with, Stag------->
Now where are my damn cheese gloves at? RING--RING I've lost my Danger Hat as well! Following LOLcats who died. My ching-chong, use a kleenex.
How am I supposed to suck my oranges without 'em? I need some wax onions and my SMILEY FACE. Feckin' metaphorical bullshetz. Ta, ta, ta, ta does that annoy you? I mean, who dod you think you AREN'T?!
Shet the Feck Up scabby dabby!
Silly random weasel, you! Make some more, do it NOW! You are the crispiest glob wearing biscuits for shoes. I bet the air doth blow red swirls beneath your wings dumpitty doo dah. Until you smell like bad music. . .
.........Take care, be good and don't forget your annual analvagirectomy.period