Where was MY f*ckin' New Song P.M.
alert notification, e-mail, announcement thingy, Stag-a-Rino------?
I mean, you have the right to give ME shit when I don't send YOU one but I get NOTHING, lettin' me know you had this up? Bollocks! Bollocks, I say!
Maybe I have let my stalking get a little weak. You're not scared of me sneaking in your bedroom and rubbing peanut butter all on your face anymore while you're sleeping, or what?
Well, I suppose I can forgive you long enough to leave a review. Once again, you have left your spawn juice all up in my ears. I think I will leave it in there awhile and enjoy your eerie harmony, for EddEgg's End credits. Bravo!
*stands to applause you on a FABulous mini-a capella Masterpiece*
Dayum college football season and it's will to keep me from Skype.
I miss you, a truckload of produce from South America, Stag.
......Take care, be good and PM me, dayumit, when you put new stuff out.period
Love, :(Gaia:)